But he doesn't limit his teaching to that. This video is a perfect example of him giving terrible tactical advice based on his fact finding. He has an entire firearms training company built up around his persona.

Originally Posted by gunzo
Thinking that Ayoobs shooting ability was initially mentioned to verify his credentials for what he's preached. "But is that a issue for what he prints or speaks?" Even if he can shoot well or not, too which I believe he can, or once could, or even if he can't... doesn't really take away his ability to gather a plethora of data & history of shootouts, the aftermath & the outcome, form "his" opinion & present it to the reader.
Isn't his preaching simply based on gathered data of actual events, the outcome, aftermath, & repercussions? Not about his abilities as a warrior, firefight survivor or even match shooter. The info on the repercussions of is interesting for damn sure.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling