This mess did not have to be. Ukraine signed the Minsk agreement. They agreed to stop the genocide of Russian speaking peoples in those four regions. They never honored the agreement. Instead, they bombed, murdered and tortured those people for eight years. Even after Russia invaded to stop the killing Putin gave Zelenskyy the opportunity to stop the invasion and thanks to your fearless leader and our idiot congress plus the EU they doubled down and made it a full-scale war on Russia.
If you wanted to start a nuclear war before Nov. what would you do? I'd bomb the Russian pipelines carrying gas to Germany and accuse Putin of doing it. The Biden family along with a goodly portion of Republican senator's families have been in bed with Ukraine siphoning our tax money they donate to help the poor bsterds out. This is not Stalin's Russia and although Ukraine is not quite the same as it was during WWII it's close especially when you look at the Asof Battalion's murderous history that continues to this day.