Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
Smoked smelt from Grandpa and Grandma is a distant memory. I picked some up in Vancouver WA from an E European deli several moons ago. Didn't try prats.

I lost my love for bone in a couple years back when I opened a cheap cheap cheap Grocery Outlet can that'd been bouncing around in the truck for several seasons. Putrid mush....

I don't do mackerel either.

The lesson there is not the bone..................

it's don't let them bounce around in the truck for............"several seasons" wink

But, I understand the complete turn off from something, once it happens there's no going back. I got that way with tequila/mescal/aquardiente a few years before I stopped drinking even. The smell would make me start to retch. Too much of a good thing I guess.



I am MAGA.