Maybe I should not suggest this, but maybe several factors need to be considered. The dog is 15 years old, partially blind, and I think was reported to have another issue. The dog was doing what she was trained to do and apparently loved it, hunting. Dogs have a tendency, in my experience, to find a quiet and somewhat secure place when their end time comes. I have no idea what I will be doing when my end comes, but I'm thinking being out in a good hunting area enjoying something I really like, such as a hunting trip, may not be such a bad way to go. My father's favorite uncle died that way while turkey hunting. I don't know much about the life expectancy of that particular breed of dog, but for dogs in general, 15 years is a quite full lifespan. Of course you don't want the dog to suffer if she is disabled somehow and if she did expire, you want to know for sure to give you closure. However, if this is the case, you may never know for sure. That uncertainty is what is painful. After you have done all that you can to find her and not successful, try to accept that she is gone and went doing what she enjoyed most. Few of us could be so lucky to meet our end that way. It sounds like to me that she had a good life to the end and was blessed to have you. I do hope things work out for the both of you.

"...why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for,... because it is the only thing that lasts."