so you celebrated the Ashely Babbit murder?

you're a true patriot. union Kenny !!

Originally Posted by Kenneth
Ribka, I have seriously underestimated you,

You are way more stupid than I thought……

Show me where I said Rittenhouse should have been arrested,

Show me where I said Ashley deserved to die,

Your problem is your reading comprehension is at a 3rd grade level, That’s on you, not me.

You went from me seeing my Doctor for a Physical 2 years ago, to me being a covtard, to me supporting Unions, then you went to Biden, then to Kyle, On to Ashley, then back into I pushed the vax,,,,,yada yada…..WHATEVER……

Dude, you are one hot mess.

Your pissed because you’ve missed on every single point you tried to bring up here, Your sitting there with a red face and a piss poor attitude,

Again, that’s on you, nothing to do with me.

Can’t wait to see what you conjure up next, should be epic.