Never heard of those folks. Thought I'd look 'em up!

HOLY GUACAMOLE! Are they outta their ever loving minds! 🤯

I've bought exactly 10, T-E-N, one naught, TSS rounds.
Paid $6/ea for 10 three inch .410 rounds with #9 TSS.
Only reason I bought them was because I couldn't find standard 3" ammo with #9 shot. Heck, I can't even find three inch .410 ammo, much less with #9's!

Once I get the nerve up to shoot the remaining 8 I won't ever buy any more! (I shot 2 for patterning purposes!)

I'm a hard core lead shot freak! I gave up waterfowl with the lead shot ban.
The lead shot ban is just another government hoax by anti hunters!