Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by zeissman
Yes, a lot of Philipino's. They work hard, don't complain, don't have girlfriend or drug issues and are reliable. The young kiwi farm boys are generally good, strong, hard workers too. However, unlike the Philipino's they want a new pickup 4x4 or a hot car like most young guys these days. They want higher wages than the $22 per hour farm workers get so farmers have trouble retaining them.

Not so good for the Philipinos who go sailing with the dairy cows!

My brother in law has Philipinos working for him. Good workers as you say.

Thats the trouble with minimum wage.

A very close friend in Tennessee is 1/2 Filipino, he's a long hours/hard working mofo.
We consume lots of beer together in his off hours.
reckon the beer drinkin comes from his 1/2 Ohioan side LOL