Originally Posted by zeissman
I understand your 2A probably better than you do, so put that in your sewer. Didn't have to sell any of my guns to the socialists either. Still have plenty and will use them for self defense if I need to (which is perfectly legal). But I will have more chance of winning the lottery than that happening. Meanwhile, another mass shooting in the good ole U.S. of A today. How many does that make it so far this year? Over 100 isn't it?

You have those deathly-scary 'assault weapons' tucked away safe & sound, right?

Do you have any idea as to how many Americans die every day?
Gun deaths?
Stabbing, clubbing deaths?
'Other' homicides?
Auto or accidental deaths[wrecks, drownings etc]?
Natural causes?

Your last 2 sentences makes it sound like you'd fit right in here.....with the left.