Originally Posted by zeissman
Originally Posted by DBT
A lot of bad things are also done in the name of religion and God.

I don't think too many people would disagree with that.

Attending a Christian church doesn't make you a Christian (follower of Christ) anymore than putting your hand in a cookie jar makes you a cookie. Religion is of man's making. Jesus of the bible had nothing good to say about the religious leaders of the day such as the Pharisees, calling them hypocrites and self serving. Anyway, I'm not going down the rabbit hole about religion, Christianity or atheism any further in this thread as it's pointless.

There are wrongs done in the name of religion that are no more related to religion than atheism is related to the left or any other political ideology.

Something that is incidental is not causal.

Then there are conflicts that are religious, Muslims killing infidels because of insults to their prophet, following instructions in the Quran, the Crusades, the Church's inquisitions, etc.