It's approaching that time of year where I go to 'help' my brother 'sight-in' his rifle for his next big-ticket elk hunt.

It used to be I'd go all-eager to help my brother improve on his shooting skills, however eventually learning the tips I'd pass to him would never seem to take. The same tips would have to be offered season after season after season, ending only in my frustration.

Then it hit me; he 'aint gonna learn, so just make it a fun time, nodding my head at the appropriate times, and wait for him to burn through the single box of ammo he bought on sale the night before.

Since over the years I've learned it takes him on average 5 shots to finally finish off the poor elk he's selected, the only true wisdom I've been able to pass on to him is to suggest he take 10 rounds with him.

It's you and the bullet, and all the rest is secondary.