Originally Posted by viking
If hunters in the effected states quit buying deer tags and other hunting licenses, States Deer Deputies would feel the crunch. It’s all about the money…

That may be what is wanted. Many CO’s I see these days in well pressed uniforms and shiney new trucks seem much more involved handing out tickets at the boat landings on sunny days than trudging thru cold mud and early snows to check deer hunters in the many bush deer camps.

30-40 years ago the Wardens I helped from time to time were a very impressive bunch of do what it takes people. Now a days sitting clean and quiet tagging ATV riders as they pass by seems the mainstay.

My place in the northern remote bush of MN has seen first the decimation of the moose, then the deer herd in the last 30 years with the unchecked rise of the wolf population. My 2 mile long private driveway bridges low areas where moose pictures by the handful were taken, deer were stupid thick. Used to be. The wolves have gotten very good at killing bears as well, but at least bears can climb to safety unlike the ungulates.

It’s sad to see the rise of an uncontrolled apex predator and the damage/change it can cause, sort of a metaphor for other things happening these days?


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.