Originally Posted by JoeBob
Don’t carry a cell phone or watch and start shooting said wolves with a rifle that will penetrate through and through and leave no ballistic evidence. Make the shot, do not check on said wolf, do no care if it is wounded or dead, and walk the other way quickly. And do not drive anywhere near said wolf in a vehicle made after 1997 or so.
Cell phone location or any other location device is not enough evidence to convict you. Your big mouth will though. If questioned, do not lie. Simply say "I am not going to make a statement". Then ask if you are being detained. If they say no then you say "I want you to leave" or if you are not on your property just walk away, get in your truck, and leave.

Once you say you are not going to make a statement, don't.

Your big mouth can certainly convict you and some officers will add their version of what you said.

This is one subject that I know whereof I speak.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Hebrew Roots Judaizer