Thanks for the reply and additional info.

Well thanks for the morning chuckle my friend, I got a mental picture of you chucking some of the "greener" section of the crowd around and it did my heart good... laugh

Oh and I do know that's likely extremely un-Christian of me to laugh about that too 673, but again you know I'm fairly distant from perfect anything. wink

For sure and certain there's a concerted effort to end all hunting for anyone who isn't FN, that's been clear for awhile.

We've hashed that out too and I believe the FN communities are being used as pawns in the process, but hopefully enough of them will see the truth.

Again this fall we're seeing some "Active Trapline" signs up where we hunt, so I hope there's enough money in wolf fur for whomever it is to take a few out.

All the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"