Originally Posted by Nollij
Originally Posted by dale06
Originally Posted by Nollij
But golly gee whiz uff da hotdish doncha know the woofie numbers have stayed exactly the same for years and years.....I agree with Osky, the mndnr has little interest in seeing hunting continue. All by design if you ask me.

There’s lots of reasons the Mn deer population sucks, wolves being one of them.

Okay, since I'm apparently ill equipped to understand all the angles to this topic let me ask you a question.

Do you believe what the state tells us every year concerning the wolf numbers? I don't know what the exact number is, but I don't believe the 2800 number for a second, and have not fof years.

If you do, you help the state get away with it every year, and are the Minnesotan I fear the most. A thin veneer of conservative with a pile of DFL just under the surface.

If you don't, then why did you feel it necessary to tell me things I already know? I'll wager it's because I made fun of your uff da and hotdish. You betcha.

I have never believed the state numbers. Have you noticed we do not hear of the supposedly very rare wandering wolves anymore? Leaving the northern Zone? It’s become all too common they are moving into Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and beyond. I do not believe a stable population would be expanding like that.

I have family up in Princeton among other places in the state that have had wolves on cameras continuously now for years. For all that have moved or expanded there are still far too many in the far north. It just does not add up.

I did not take any offense to anything you said? I don’t get that way over words in forums, contexts often not truly understood. I do not mean to offend, not my way. I just relate experiences and thoughts as I see them. I keep a sense of humor.
The only time I judge is a handshake and the glint in that man’s eye in front of me.


Edited, I apologize Nol… I mistook your first word for Osky. Sorry.

Last edited by Osky; 12/06/23.

A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.