Good morning sir, I hope you're getting seasonally tolerable weather and all who matter to you are well.

Thanks for the reply and info sir, I definitely need all the help I can get - and then some! wink

Regarding trappers, I saw a photo that was sent to a young friend by one of the chaps trapping just northeast of us. He had 3 or maybe it was 4 wolves and 5 coyotes on his first trip to check the sets. If I ever run into him, coffee is on me for sure.

On the calling question, in the past I've corresponded with T Inman who was most helpful and generous with his time and info regarding howling wolves.

We've been doing our level best to put holes in at least one since they showed up, but so far with no results.

The other week was the first time one actually answered back, much less came in, so I was pumped to say the least. The young fellow I was with was showing around the top of the canyon for whitetails was very generous when I threw his whitetail buck hunt into the rhubarb by calling. laugh

Strangely enough and I honestly didn't expect that to happen, but we had what we figured was 4 different coyotes start howling and yipping too. I'd thought/read/figured that the wolves eat the coyotes so they'd just shut up when wolves howled, but not that morning.

Another buddy I talked to yesterday was moose hunting a couple dozen miles north of us and had wolves howling for a couple hours he said, which was a first for him.

Way back in the '90's we started experimenting calling coyotes with a distress call, then started barking and howling to get the "hanger uppers" to come in sometimes. I love calling anything so it doesn't take much prompting to get me out trying some new methods.

We've got a 3 wolf per year limit down here by the way and up in the Cariboo Chillcotin there's no limit and open season and it still hasn't put much of a dent in them. As 673 says, I don't believe we can shoot our way out of this, but hey, every wolf gone is a few deer, moose, elk or sheep that might make the winter I figure.

All the best and thanks again.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"