Originally Posted by dennisinaz
In 1990 I believe, the Arizona game and fish commission was only one vote shy of cancelling Archery Elk hunting in Arizona due to the number of elk wounded by bow hunters.
I don't remember the exact figures but it was like 3 elk wounded for every elk recovered. They just could stomach that statistic and i can't really say i blame them.
I suspect there are a fair number of cripples due to guys buying " package" hunting rifles that suddenly make them long range hunters.

" I just spent $10 k at Gunwurks, i can automatically make 1000 yard shots"...


Don’t have any field data on live animals - but can point directly to the results of Ridgway, PA long range varmint benchrest silhouette matches - where a winning score is in the low to mid 30s (out of 40) and the average score is in the low 20s. So 2-3 out of four shots are hitting a stationary target between 850-1000 yards (that would be the approximately size of vitals) - from the better shooters. I personally can’t imagine taking a shot at a living animal (that is moving or has the potential to move) at these ranges just so I could brag about how far I killed one. I have way more respect for the animals than I do a “hunter” that would take such a shot. Damn sad really that some need attention so bad that this is something they have to brag about.

The other things is how many of these shooters ever walk out to the distance they shoot to follow up a shot?
