Originally Posted by dennisinaz
In 1990 I believe, the Arizona game and fish commission was only one vote shy of cancelling Archery Elk hunting in Arizona due to the number of elk wounded by bow hunters.
I don't remember the exact figures but it was like 3 elk wounded for every elk recovered. They just could stomach that statistic and i can't really say i blame them.
I suspect there are a fair number of cripples due to guys buying " package" hunting rifles that suddenly make them long range hunters.

" I just spent $10 k at Gunwurks, i can automatically make 1000 yard shots"...
I suspect a guy that just bought a gunwerks rifle with no knowledge couldn't even come close to an animal much less wound one at 1000. Probably even 500 to be honest.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....