This thread is just a turkey hunter dick measuring contest, get out there and hunt, have shot turkeys from 6 to 75 yards, sometimes they come in sometimes they don't. Know the capabilities of your shotgun, do your best and the instant you are confidant of a killing shot, kill him! Don't bitch cause someone else shoots 41 yards. Especialy after you admit you have shot them farther but didn't know it. Is it more fun shooting one at 39 yards than it is at 41.
You have to admit though, those longer shots are taken at extremely cautious gobblers, they take much more finesse on the call and thee suspense is indescribable, those 2 YO's that run over ya are exciting, but everybody knows those 4 YO's do not just run too the call on average,, at least not here in wv.

Last edited by Ridge_Runner; 01/19/24.

If your going through hell, keep on going, don't look back, If your scared don't show it.
You might get out b'fore the devil even knows your there.
(Rodney Atkins)