Originally Posted by Yoder409
My longest "successful" shot was 40 yards + a bit of a range mis-estimation.

Having been at this as long as I have........ I am not ashamed to say that I still can be pretty badly fooled by distance in some open woods. But, I began carrying my compact bowhunting rangefinder a couple decades ago. It all but eliminates the turkey shooter's crutch of mis-estimation. "I thought it was 40 or 42 when I shot, but it ended up being 66 yards...... " Bullchit.

That statement is in quotation marks. It is a generic statement I used to illustrate what we've heard turkey shooters say a dozen times or more to help justify a slop shot. The "turkey shooter's crutch".

Re-reading it, myself, I can see where you may have misunderstood my context. I'll word subsequent stuff better.

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.