
"'s not smart posting your address. Now I already know you have at least two sons, their names, what they look like, what you look like, where you live, your phone number, etc.....I may not agree with you on most things, but I think it would serve your best interest to not post personal information like that. Consider it."

One of problem with these forms is the majority of participants are hiding behind a screen name, with no way to verify information they're providing into the discussion. In this discussion because of its nature any veteran that not willing to provide information that can be verified really in all honesty has no place in this discussion.However, it is not unreasonable for some person comes in this discussion to ask relevant questions of that era.

The term "free- rider" in my opinion would apply to anyone that was available are qualified for the draft during Vietnam era, this would not apply to women are those that would not have passed a physical. It also would not apply to homosexuals or a bed wetter. There's several other things also like the last surviving person in one particular family name and so on..

Something everyone should know about the draft during World War II , they actually came into high schools and took students.

The new and improved version of G. W. Junior Bush National Guard military record is like saying I didn't inhale!

During those times for someone to have already used the educational deferment ,then after 68 to be accepted into the National Guard, the odds would have been like a snowball freezing in hell, unless you knew someone in high places.

Everyone needs to ask themselves why this new version is now appearing.

Last edited by larrymartin; 04/04/04.