Oddly enough, Mr. Kerry hasn't really apologized for his demonstrating but the gal (Hanoi Jane) in the picture with him has. Why would one protest against a war and then point to his medal or medals later to get elected to a political office? Who is Mr. Kerry really? If you follow his voting record can you tell where he's coming from? Most can't. He's even more two faced than Al Gore.

What I've learned from this thread is if you were drafted into the military or served in the National Guard you are dirt beneath a certain person's feet. If you were drafted and served in Viet Nam you have no honor or worth.

That said I don't regret my military time spent helping to protect my fellow American's freedoms. One is the freedom of speech. I'm glad we can still say what we believe. I must say some people make me want to puke. Just for the record my military experience was active duty Air Force as a fighter acft. crew chief and an ANG crew chief and flight engineer. I actually had two terms of active duty and two in the ANG. I say this to clarify my past military duty, NOT to make reference to a group I'm familiar with.

The Karma bus always has an empty seat when it comes around.- High Brass

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong