
Who do you think you are, the Duke of Turd's Island or someone?

In your posts you say that nobody who isn't a Vietnam veteran has a right to criticize Kerry. What's the big deal about serving in Vietnam? After all, during most of that war, it was the official policy of the Defense Department that GRADE SCHOOL TEACHERS were more important for the national defense than draftees like you. That's why they got occupational deferments.

What comes out is the real reason you oppose Bush, your featherbedding Mafia union affiliations. Too bad the Hispanics will work for less! It's OK, I guess, for you to steal time from your employer and be a featherbedding goof-off so the rest of us have to pay more for our houses. Welcome to the Somethin' for Nothin' crowd!

Sadly, while complaining about the Hispanics already here, you don't even realize that Bush hasn't given a single one amnesty yet. You see, they're legal. (If you want to find some illegal Hispanics, I would suggest you check out who picks tomatos for Theresa Heinz' company, the big sugarmomma of John F'n Kerry.)

For the record, I did not go to Vietnam or serve in the Military. I designed air-to-surface missiles and had an occupational deferment. (At one point, I received a direct commission, without benefit of OCS or ROTC, and resigned my commission one day later.) Our missiles are why we can send one airplane today, instead of 300 like in WWII, and destroy the target without getting 30 or 40 shot down.

I believe I have done more for the defense of this nation than anyone like you could dream of.

PS: I'm voting for Bush.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.