I have some great Cuban recipes that I learned when living in Miami.
This one, Oxtail stew es muy delicioso, y muy f�cil
Ox Tail Stew
Three pounds oxtail segments
Flour, salt pepper, all mixed together
Vegetable oil
Two large onions, sliced thin
4 carrots, sliced thin
One large tomato, diced
4 or 5 (or 6 or 7) garlic cloves.
Two large red potatoes
Bay leaves
Oregano, thyme, ginger, salt, black pepper
4 cups beef broth, One cup red wine, An Argentine Malbec by Norton, is what I use.
Two tablespoons tomato paste
Two tsp burre manie

Flour the Ox Tail joints,
using a skillet, brown the Oxtails in the vegetable oil
Remove, and place in a Dutch oven.
In the remaining oil, brown the onion and garlic. Place in the Dutch oven with the meat and carrots. Add the beef broth, and red wine. Bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to a simmer. Season, and cook, covered, for two hours. Still occasionally.
Remove the lid, and add the potatoes, cook another 45 min.
Remove meat and potatoes from the Dutch oven. Keep warm. Pour the remaining liquid through a strainer, and return to the Dutch oven. Bring to a boil, and reduce. Add the burre manie, a little bit at a time until all incorporated. Return the meat to the Dutch oven, and cook for 15 min. Check seasoning a final time.
Serve with some of the gravy over the meat, and over the vegetables
