Originally Posted by jwp475
Originally Posted by DINK

Over charged or double charged it really matters not. The end result is to much [bleep] powder in the case. Know one even know if the right powder is in the case.

Are you always this slow or only when your on the internet?


NO ONE HAS PROVEN THAT THE CARTRIDGE WAS OVERLOADED. It has been "Alleged" NOT PROVEN. The gun could have fired out of battery, the gun could have opened at the breach prematurely, the case could have been defeative.

Many factors that could have lead to the problem and none of them as of yet

Jumping to conclusions seem to be your MO and now the personal attack when you have no leg to stand on

If the ammo company has said that it was a over charged case it is not jumping to conclusions. Companies do not admit fault unless they are sure they are at fault. No way is a ammo company going to come and say that unless they %100 sure its thier fault.

My guess would be that whatever lot number of ammo this is they know it was over charged and admitted it up front.
