Im sure that there have been quality control issues during this wave of mass produced ammo craze. The odds of this being an ammo problem is probably pretty good. Whether its over, double, triple loaded is irrelevant. I own many different handguns and none have blown up Glock 35 and 21 included. I have had a 1911 go full auto when a friend of mine shot it and blame near shot me in the head. But, the 1911 is still my favorite handgun. These type of things always end up in a pi$$ing match between guns and owners. There have been all types of failures in all types of guns and will be until the end of time. Did we all discard our Remmy 700's because they go possessed and fire whenever they want? I doubt it. Arguing over experience handloading and shooting or who has the biggest set of dies or loading press and/or whatever else accomplishes nothing. But it makes for a helluva lot of interesting reading...

If the world didnt suck we would all fall off!