The VAST majority of Glock kB!�s have involved incorrect ammunition, most often handloaded ammunition with cast bullets, but at times, brand new factory loads from a reputable manufacturer. I�m very aware of ONE case where a Glock very obviously fired out of battery because the case was recovered and it had a very high primer hit. There have been other Glock kB!�s from things that blow up any make of gun, like a barrel obstruction.

The Glock doesn�t have an unsupported chamber, and saying so is just an inaccurate statement. Still, Glocks have a little less support at the lower end of the chamber near the feed ramp than most other makes of guns. This doesn�t mean a Glock is unsafe, it just means that a Glock is less forgiving of weakened cases (and ANY reloaded case is weakened), or issues that would lead to an over-pressure situation.

Each of us has to decide whether a given pistols known weaknesses are acceptable or not. There are some here that find that �less forgiving� nature of the Glock to be unacceptable. There are many here who sleep well at night because they feel the odds of getting bit by that bug are about the same as being struck by lightning. It�s an individual call we all make.

It behooves EVERYONE who carries a gun for protection to not deny a known issue with their personal choice of pistol, but to understand it and learn how to best deal with that. I have yet to see a pistol in this world that doesn�t make certain compromises to get the job done. It will do an individual well to know and accept what those compromises are, rather than bury your head in the sand and act like there�s nothing wrong.