many years ago my wife wanted to start shooting deer and sitting on a deer stand by herself. We had 2 kids, maybe she just wanted to sit on the stand (away from them) while I watched them at the cabin.
Well, it was in our poorer days and didn't see spending $1000 on rifle/scope. So, I bought her a 12 guage. I had the stock sawed off and a huge recoil reducer pad put on it. Probably 3 inches was cut off so that, after adding pad, it'd still be 1.5 inch shorter stock.
Killed her first deer with 3 inch magnum buckshot.
I had no idea until recently that this shotgun's recoil with 3 inch magnum shells were 1.5 to 2 times harder than a 300 magnum. Granted there was no scope to dodge, but kick is kick.
I used to smile watching her shoot it. she weighed 120 pounds.

2 years ago, though, I had my TC Encore 50 cal loaded with a heavy load of powder and around 200 gr bullets. I forgot I had it heavy loaded. She wanted to shoot it and the scope popped her between the eyes. E.R. trip and liquid stitches. A very fine 1.5 inch scar that can barely be seen with no makeup. invisible with makeup. But, she won't shoot that gun again..... even when I offer to reduce the charge to a weak load. it's in the head.
she didn't notice the 12 guage kick much, but did on the 50 cal. It's all perception I guess.