Evan... I knew I liked you for a reason. Maybe you need to get ahold of some Canadian folks that just had their jobs outsourced and start a line of clothing smile

Seriously. The game we all play, and the gear we all buy, if a N America based company said "Damn... My costs keep going up but I refuse to outsource, and I AM IN THIS to make profit, my prices HAVE to go up 30%..." We'd all bitch about paying more for their product, but we'd sure as hell understand it. In the backpacking biz, solid products made by guys like us count for a whole hell of a lot more than hitting a certain pricepoint.

Too bad about KUIU. They won't see a penny out of me now. I guess I'm buying anohter set of Filson Whipcords to hunt in this year.

I'm Irish...

Of course I know how to patch drywall