Originally Posted by timbo762
Inspite of their inferiority as workers the Central Pacific's "coolies" beat the Union Pacific's "micks" and set a record for "hand laid track" (10 miles) that still stands to this day. So much for history.

Do you want to take a guess at how many deaths were suffered from passengers on chinese track versus Mick track? Mostly by means of derailment or ties up-ending through cars.

I'll give you a hint, there are still sections of Mick track in use (albeit its a "short line")

Therein lies the major philosophical difference between the two countries manufacturing capabilities. Communist; go like hell make lots. American; go like hell, make as much as you can while still maintaining a culturally accpetable level of quality.

And yes, I have railroad DNA all the way back to the days of NINA. If I decided to be a Rail like my dad, grand-dad, etc... I'd be 5th generation

I'm Irish...

Of course I know how to patch drywall