Guys, I'm gonna stoop to a low level, just this one time, because I feel that my reputation is being unjustly attacked.

First let me say, please leave Jerry Wigutow out of this, his name has no place here.

Now -- I'll tell you fully what this is about so we can get the real story to the board. I've been expecting this to surface, based on a threat issued by the agitator, so I was expecting it to come to this eventually.

The agitator's name is "Chuck."

"Chuck" befriended me this summer, through my store. We talked of hunting together maybe this spring for brown bears. He became a close, personal friend. He visited my house and accompanied me and other friends to numerous events and functions. He revealed that he did not move here until July, but not to worry, he would personally have his orders changed to reflect that he moved here in April sometime.

Aaaahhhh, NO. I wouldn't be accompanying him on this hunt, but I remained in contact with him.

He came into my shop one day not too long ago, and a mutual friend of ours was in here. I told Chuck that he would not be going on our bear hunt. I did not disclose the real reason that I would not be taking him. He should know that, and I expected him to just accept it and move on. Instead, he chose to pout like a child. He went home and went on a slandering spree on the internet, attempting to effect my relationship with a number of people whom I had close friendships with and also my current and future customers.

I backed off and let him throw his tantrum and it backfired then, just as it has here. The thread that he started then was pulled from that forum because it was KNOWN B.S. just drummed up to hurt my business.

It continues, I guess, and I'm a bit more pissed this time because I need to be running a business, not defending myself on an internet forum.

Chuck, I've notified your Commanding Officer of your childish ways, and I had better get the response that I deserve or I will continue to press the implode button on your career. I would like you to first, man-up and state that your intentions are misguided here, and that you are dropping whatever slander campaign that you have aimed at me. Secondly, I want you to actually cease the behavior, and never speak of or about me or my business on a public forum anywhere.

Let me tell you all something that you may not know.

Whether you love, hate or like the products that I represent, my method of doing business remains the same. I have NO disgruntled customers past or present in this store. I conduct business in a friendly, courteous manner, even going so far as to extend deep discounts to certain groups. That is money out of MY pocket that never makes it to my bank on behalf of respect for certain groups and an appreciation of their continued business. Major Chuck belongs to one of those groups - active duty military personnel - and this is the thanks for extending that courtesy to him...?

I recognize Chuck for what he is and until now was proud of his accomplishments with respect to his military service. I'm sure his conduct here is not indicative of the pride and integrity that is supposed to be present in someone of such a high rank, but I have to ask myself if this behavior is that of a mature, seasoned commissioned officer. (?)

Now you have the whole story. Next time you hear that Marc Taylor is a jerk and treats his customers like crap, I hope that you will dismiss that because I assure you that there is no truth to it.

Sorry it had to come to this, but I'll only take so much.

Marc Taylor