AwwRight Kutenay;

Now that you are aiming your little lazer pointer at "corporate ripoff" let's just take a moment and think..........

I think most of these horrible corporations of which you speak are publicly held, do you agree with that ?

I think these corporations are ran by executives who are hired by the board of directors, do you agree with that ?

I think the directors are elected by the shareholders, do you agree with that ?

I think the shareholders want as much return on their investment as they can get, so they vote in directors who will hire very efficient/agressive executives who will either show strong growth/profits, or be replaced........

I think the shareholders might be willing to overlook a few things their own corporation does to keep pace, after all, it's happening everywhere..........

I also think many of the shareholders do not even keep track of what their corporation long as their returns are good......

I think sometimes shareholders bitch about corporate greed ruining their life, without understanding that they might be talking about their own corporation ! How many people know exactly what is in their mutual funds, how many people vote to make less on their retirement accounts to promote better stewardship of our planet ?