Originally Posted by moosemike
Originally Posted by SKane
I'd say your odds are best with the two provinces you mentioned.
While it could happen year one, I'd plan on making multiple trips. smile

That's what I'm thinking as well. The trouble with Saskatchewan and Alberta is hunts start at $5K and go up from there. I might only be able to afford to do it once. I see New Brunswick is half the price but I'm much more likely to need to go back again to try to accomplish my goal than in Sask. Ah decisions, decisions.

Take that $5K, sell some guns and make a down payment on some rough farm ground on or near both sides the Mississippi River. Reference points would be the HWY 54 river bridge at Savanna, IL, north to the HWY 10 bridge at Prescott, WI.

Talk to SKANE, he may throw in with you. Wait, now that I think about it, I may be interested, also. grin

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