Again- There was already laws in effect that regulate it. This was a massive power grab.

This socialist professor wack job even gets it. She has written quite a bit about it, but this is nice and simple.

Roslyn Layton from the Center for Communication, Media, and Information Studies at Aalborg Univ in fuggin' Denmark. A bastion of socialism. :

"Net neutrality sounds good, but it means different things to different people, making it easy for special interests to manipulate it for narrow political ends.

One definition of net neutrality is a user’s freedom to connect to any Internet content, application or service. This is uncontroversial, and Internet providers already agree to uphold this principle.

Using their own definitions, however, companies such as Netflix hijack the language of net neutrality to lobby for regulatory favors. They want the government to mandate that transit costs they pay for today become free. In the offline world, such a deal would mean that retailers could not negotiate agreements with their suppliers or even where products could be placed on shelves.

This campaign intensified when President Obama called for the Internet to be regulated under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. Title II would effectively give control of the Internet to the federal government, allowing it to monitor networks and set prices. For starters, expect a price increase of at least $150 per year due to new federal, state, and local fees on your Internet subscription.

Regulation proponents argue that without such rules your Internet provider would speed up or slow down websites. There have never been rules against this, but Internet providers don’t do it anyway. Simply put, the business opportunity to deliver an open Internet is far greater. Failing that, antitrust laws deter discriminatory behavior, already ensuring net neutrality. Of the billions of Internet experiences every day, there are only two minor net neutrality violations on record. They were resolved swiftly with existing rules.

Many Americans oppose Internet regulation. Recently, 60 tech companies and 100 American manufacturers –including IBM, Intel, and Black & Decker – warned that Title II regulation would harm the economy and reduce investment.

Americans, just 4 percent of the world’s population, enjoy a quarter of the world’s private investment in Internet infrastructure and drive one-third of the world’s Internet traffic. This investment delivers 5 percent of gross domestic product and employs 10 percent of America’s workforce, 11 million Americans. The unregulated Internet allows almost half of America’s employed to work from home and countless companies to grow. Fifteen of the world’s top 25 Internet companies are American.

With more high-speed wireless connections than any country, the US is the hotbed of mobile innovation. Do we need government regulations to preserve net neutrality? No. The Internet in America works extraordinarily well."

“Life is life and fun is fun, but it's all so quiet when the goldfish die.”