Originally Posted by GunGeek
So because Obama lied before, you refuse to even look into this issue. If Obama's for it, it must be bad and you're against it. That's the height of ignorance.

Obama is an habitual liar yet you chose to believe him on net neutrality?

Net neutrality = Govt. Internet control and should be named as such, is an attack on the 1st amendment. The first thing done when we started Desert Storm? Knock out enemy communication.

The ATF = Govt gun control, an attack on the 2nd Amendment.

Both attacks on Rights Guaranteed by the US Constitution.

There are attacks on other amendments but I don't have to list them individually to an intellectual such as yourself.


"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson

GeoW, The "Unwoke" ...Let's go Brandon!

"A Well Regulated Militia" Life Member