Originally Posted by watch4bear
Net neutrality is about nothing more than keeping Comcast, Verizon and the rest of them from extorting money from consumers and content providers just because they control the Internet off-ramps.

Who wanted to take the offramp? We haven't heard from those invisible entities.
Really? That's what you add to this conversation. Do you really think those entities haven't weighed in on this issue?

On 23 April 2014, in a press statement, the Federal Communications Commission announced their new proposed rules which would allow Broadband Internet service providers, such as Comcast and Verizon, the "right to build special lanes" with faster connection speeds for companies, such as Netflix, Disney or Google, willing to pay a higher price.

See bold:

Now you don't think the FCC proposed that out of the kindness of their own heart do you? You don't think perhaps they had some lobbying efforts that could have prompted that?

THEY were the one's who prompted the whole issue. They wanted the ability to practice anti-trust legally.