Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by RickyD
I'm not going to screw free speech and capitalism over the internet on the off chance that Soros might be up to no good.
There is no such thing as a 190 million off chance. The only interest zero and soros have in free speech and capitalism is the suppression and destruction of both. You cut off your nose to spite your face. There is nothing objective about that.

Okay let's use YOUR analogy. Because Obama's for it, I'll give the internet over to ISP's and allow them to determine who gets good bandwidth and who doesn't, and allow them to decide what can and cannot be on the internet.
It's not an analogy. It's a historical statement of fact.

As for your contentions regarding the evil ISP's, isn't that what free markets do, and let their actions be rewarded or punished by the marketplace? Get government involved and they will serve up agenda laden nonsense,create huge mindless bureaucracies, and tax the public for the opportunity to suppress them.

We're just talking past each other. Have a nice day and weekend.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.