Guess you don't like speed limits on public roads either.

I don't really know what that has to do with this. I do not like when the Feds step in and tell us what to do. It should be a state matter.

Guess you don't like that you get to use the roads just like everyone else.

I pay for that use every time that I buy gas. Except for a few miles when I was in Texas and they sent me a bill. Worth the money to by pass Austin.

Trucking companies would like to see you restricted to what they don't use.

They don't pay their fair share in taxes to road wear, they should do that.

How about we establish fees and access according to who makes the most money for those who build the roads - starting with the one that goes right by your driveway?

No road past by drive way. I live at the end of a gravel road, and up until just a few years ago, all the gravel on it was mostly paid for by me and my Dad. County occasionally paid for a little gravel, we had to pay for the hauling. Guess which one cost the most.

according to who makes the most money for those who build the roads

I have no idea what you mean with that. miles

Look out for number 1, don't step in number 2.