Originally Posted by RWE

You as much as said both parties suck.

And both parties control the regulation.

But the regulation is a good thing?

Exactly what kind of glue are you sniffing?

Seriously - I do not know how you get from one extreme to the other in the same breath without some methyl-ethyl-badshit being in the air....

And using this train of thought - you have no problems with the ATF playing BAN-THE-BULLET-BINGO?
Well I can discern one thing from another. Like I can discern that ATF's proposed ban is a bad thing, and recognize that net neutrality is a good thing. That's because I think for myself. I don't let Rush Limbaugh do the thinking for me.

I understand capitalism enough to know that when a market fails and becomes a monopoly, then something needs to be done. The major ISP's have 97% of the customers in America, and they are practicing anti-trust. What they are doing you can't do with radio or TV, and everyone here seems okay with that.