Originally Posted by Fireball2
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
How is this persecution?

Sorry man, but that's gotta be the dumbest thing you've written in a long time. Liberals can kill babies but a baker can't deny a liberal a cake w/o facing financial ruin and you don't see the persecution?

I don't see it as persecution. I see it as a misguided effort of a Christian baker to apply his faith to his business. God doesn't make one sin worse than another, but the baker has. I might have more sympathy if he was also refusing adulterers since it is the same sin.

I absolutely don't agree with gay marriage and think homosexuality is a sin. It is no worse than adultery though, and church would be pretty empty if we got rid of adulterers. We are not talking about the government telling church or religion what we have to think. We are talking about public businesses complying with the law of the land. I guess you'd be happier with Jim Crow laws? Or maybe it'd be OK if business were allowed to refuse service to Christians?

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