Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
Originally Posted by HawkI
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
Are gun companies refusing to sell to gays now?

They are pretty damn wary of manufactured victims, to the point.

Guess you missed that.

Thought we were talking about Christians refusing to do business with gays.

Actually, no. This baker didn't refuse to do business with gay people. They were more than happy to sell them any products they made - except the one product that violated their religious beliefs because it required they provide material or direct support for a gay wedding. The Constitution doesn't say "Congress shall make no law abridging the free exercise of religion (unless you open a business)".

If I am a private practice anesthesiologist, can .Gov force me to participate in an abortion? The common sense response would be to ask, "Why would someone would seek out a Christian anesthesiologist to participate in an abortion?" Answer - because they were targeted for their religious beliefs. So why would someone seek out a fundamentalist Christian baker to participate materially in their gay wedding? Answer - because they are being targeted for government-sponsored persecution for their religious beliefs.

So why did the Pilgrims leave England to come to the New World? To flee religious persecution and the English government targeting them specifically because of their religious beliefs.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

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