Originally Posted by Scott F
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland

Yeah, I don't get upset if someone doesn't want my business. I'll just go down the road to the next guy who does. I think both parties are equally at fault as the gay people weren't harmed. They could have got a cake at many other places.But you know good and well that over half the posters here would be calling, emailing, and threatening a boycott if the same baker refused service to military members. Many of the same people who say it's the businesses right to refuse service would be the same people trying to burn it down if they refused military members.

There is no way I will believe the gay couple did not purposely seek out this baker and go for the bucks. It was a setup from the start.

I'm sure they either purposefully went there or pushed the issue after they were told no. Either way they were partly at fault as I doubt this was the only cake maker around. The baker shared equally in that fault though. He could have taken many other approaches and maybe even got in some meaningful teachings of Christ in the process if that was really what he was worried about.

Don't just be a survivor, be a competitor.