Originally Posted by Kodiakisland

I don't see it as persecution. I see it as a misguided effort of a Christian baker to apply his faith to his business. God doesn't make one sin worse than another, but the baker has. I might have more sympathy if he was also refusing adulterers since it is the same sin.

I don't think one sin is worse than the other, but the Baker doesn't knows who the Adulterers, Murderers, Thieves, etc. are, he simply makes cakes.

Forcing him to bake a cake makes him complicit in the whole gay ceremony, something that he Does Not want to be a part of.

A person should not be forced to do something against their will that violates the core of their religious beliefs. You will never get me to believe otherwise, no matter the argument.

It's the only thing we have left in this world that people can't take away from you, and now the Gov't is trying their best to steal that as well.