Originally Posted by 308ragincajun
Since when does a state law trump the US Constitution?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"

Jesus, for people with hard on about the "law", I can't understand how they have such difficulty following it, or getting all jacked up about enforcing faux law when real Constitutional issues like the border and invasion are ignored in the same breath.

Many states had no issue amending their Constitutions to define marriage (like they are supposed to), yet the Federal government can't follow its own rules and doesn't want to. Where is the Federal Amendment then? Where is the representative government?

Too many "free" people want to be ruled by a court or an elected jester; our government doesn't work that way, which is why its not working and why everyone who actually believes in the process is now a freedom hating bigot.....

All three Federal government branches are one big team that has been hell bent on circumventing the 10th Amendment and enough people seem to think that's the way it works, which is why its broke.