
It helps to say things purty,so it sticks.

Prolly a pun there and it be intended..............


Being afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess,ain't nearly as "bad" as it sounds......................(grin)


Cheer up,you gawddamned nearly almost used the boolit you felt compelled to fhuqking Whine about.

It's always compelling "testimony",when you wax eloquent on all the things you almost did,all the things you nearly did 'em with and all the places you nearly did 'em.

Please do not let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt.....................


Facts only offend Drooling Dumbfhuqks,because Reality reliably collides with Fantasy and makes their Imagination and it's Pretend sting...which is one of Life's curious constants.

And more than a bit handy to remember.



Bitchin' avatar,sweet plagiarized pic and you were fhuqking NEARLY brazen enough to say sumptin' about boolits...but even someone as fhuqking amazingly STUPID as you,KNOWS better than to try. I wonder why that is?!? Bless your heart. Congratulations?!?

If I take the time to tickle the ivories,you'll sure as schit wanna take notes and apply same,as it will help your game. Hint. Read that again slowly. Now one more time. Re-hint.

Your insecurities are amazingly wellfounded and folks who "do" and "know" as "much" as you,are always going to be best served by asking questions,rather than giving "answers". Here's to the perpetual hilarity of you doing your "best" and your being fhuqking stupid enough to "think" that nothing,is "something".

At least Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can afford to contribute.

You go girl!

I got to laughing soooooooo fhuqking hard,that I nearly forgot pics. 50gr V-Max insertion ala 22-250AI form load. I never can remember and with "all" that you "do",perhaps you can help? Is Woofs wired together as good as Venison? Laughing!

[Linked Image]

32gr V-Max at 3400fps+ K-Hornet Launch. Just sayin'.

[Linked Image]

Please spare NO "particulars" on "all" that you "do".



How many 55's have you "blown up" out of a 16" Krunchenticker? If only to cheer you up and bolster your Imagination and it's Pretend,I've inserted same into Venison via 4200fps launch ala 26" 22CHeetah. We in da' bidness call that,a not so fhuqking subtle hint. Hint.

You Day Dreaming Dumbfhuqks and your Do Nothing Dumbfhuqkery are a hoot!

"Definetely" Laughing!

Wow +P++!................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."