Cool story. I will definitely be spending some time on the Kenai when I come up. I have some friends with a farm near Homer. I may stay there for a bit and do some halibut fishing and black bear hunting.

I have no doubt the 30-06 is capable of taking any game animal I'll be chasing. The main issue is I don't like having just one of anything. I really like having a variety of toys..and tools...and girlfriends. I'm not sure which one costs me more money at this point. I suppose there are worse problems to have.

Today's a well deserved day off in Newcastle, Australia for me. I think I'll go find a bar with a kangaroo burger or emu steak and some cute local company.

If you never slow down, you never grow old. Work hard, play hard. Life is meant to be lived, not gone through.

If it was easy, everybody would do it.