It has been interesting and educational. As a younger sort I imagined that only gun gurus were allowed to do this stuff. Finding that Loonies are allowed to participate has been some sport. laugh

Much encountered was anticipated, yet much was a learning experience. As example, in days gone by I've read cautionary notes suggesting that as little as .1 grain can make a difference. I scoffed at that, being of the mind that more coal was almost always a good thing and getting there was the point, as quickly as possible preferred. However, when this began I did a cursory search of the 'Net and found no data for the Sneezer. Imagine that?

So with guard rails in place and eyes open I commenced exploration w/o a ballistics lab to assist. Admittedly my parameters were a bit off the beaten track. ANYONE can fill a bigger case with more powder and make a louder boom, propelling small and large projectiles of various forms and construction methods. Question that came to mind however was if that was necessary in my circumstances. Experience with the Contender and CB shorts said no, quite emphatically. On another level I discovered out in Cody, Wy some years back that a bullet of cast or swagged lead moving at a leisurely pace could be quite effective in hitting the X at long range. Caused a pause it did. Likewise, I found that soft lead, paper patched, was a beast one does not want to be on the receiver of...a hog and the 77/44 taught me that. Then a deer and even an armadillo. Chunks is chunks.

Besides, being contrarian is part of the aging process from where I sit. Questioning the norm is healthy in my opinion.

Picked up pieces, looked it all over and created this oddity for a specific purpose and so far I'm enjoying the process quite a bit. The reamer is available if anyone wishes to join me. I will cast a hex upon thee if one loads jacketed bullets or tries to go supersonic. There are better alternatives for that.

Anyway, on to the 100 yard butt next time out, I gots to go do some case prep. grin

To preclude possible misconceptions, the Rigby is not for sale.

Hedging my bets in the swamps,


I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain