Draw weight...........used to be a 100# 30" draw Hoyt Prohunter at Lengel's gunshop in Wabash IN.

They had the "warning- draw at own risk" sign hanging by it.

Used to draw it and shock the folks around (I'm rather scrawny, or used to be back then anyway LOL). Right or left handed, smooth and looked like I was drawing 60#.

Roundwheelers are easier.

FWIW my coworker bought that rig, he a tank of a dude, shot it at 90# and said it slammed deer to the ground LOL.

My PSE Gorilla Squad Mach 4 topped out at 96#. I couldn't draw it. 92# was a fight. Shot it at 86# for a week and backed it down to 82. Shot it there for 2 yrs, indoor and out.

Buddy got a Hoyt Rambo when those came out, shimmed it to 98#. I shot it all day, fingers........and went home and went to bed.

Last Oneida I had was 80#. It hurt me to shoot it. Getting old sucks.

I could and maybe even work a bit into it, but am lazy and don't need my back jacked up again. So had it at 70#.
Backed off a bit, think it better to get a 60-70 and run it on high end.

Alas, no deal on a Black Eagle 2 yet.

The new hotrods like the PSE Omen, hurt me at 70#. I can shoot other rigs of that poundage and higher OK. The speed demons are so tight at the start, either age or what I'm used to (dunno)..........they just suck IMHO.

Of course with such efficiency, proly don't need to shoot the old #.
So a 70# "used to be" could run 60#.

But even then, they start so hard, I think they still suck.

Last edited by hookeye; 03/06/16.