55# for me takes some practice, 60# even more.
Work beats me up pretty good, so if I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, just makes things tougher.

Last yr the 48# was easy. No snap shooting either, am gap shooting and holding it for a spell to aim. Stupid easy.
Aim a little low for 20, a little high for 25, and same sight picture for 20 at 30 (but change anchor).

3 sight pictures, 2 anchors. Same as I did for the deer in the pic.

Used 55/75 w 100gr brass insert for the HS58 60#. Lucked into the sight picture deal.
35/55 w 50gr added, same holds (close enough anyway) for the 48#.

I prefer not gap shooting but ripped pulley tendons on one finger, broke one on the other hand, so was out of practice (month or so before season) so tried something different. Worked.

Part of the fun, trying different things out.