Originally Posted by MojoHand
Originally Posted by Ptarmigan

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I had to laugh at this one!

My good friends have a daughter who just turned 17, another daughter who just turned 11 and then a 'surprise' son who showed up about seven years later (he's 3 1/2). My friend's wife has mentioned numerous times how she's still amazed at how different boys are.

She told me EVERYTHING is a knife or sword or gun... laugh (he was using the Swiffer mop as a sword last time I was there).

He also has the mask and light saber of the new Star Wars bad guy. They had just watched it and that was his fave character! (Didn't see the cloak, tho...)

Boys will be boys...

That's my 6 yr old. Everything is Star Wars for him right now. Lot's of light saber and gun battles between him and his older brother. The battles usually end up with someone in an armbar or a chokehold though as they have both been doing Jiu jitsu for a couple of years.