it's all good, till it isn't.

I know folks have chastised Art for his warnings about folks running rivers here with little to no experience floating and paddling. Some have even come back to post pix of their successful ventures. And it's all good, until it isn't.

We run catarafts or double enders. Pard floated the Kongakut with 2 elderly gents, he manned the oars.

the point about being able to pull harder against a frame versus saddles is pertinent ime.

lots of guys hunt in jeans and live to tell about it, but flip over, lose your raft and gear and have to survive in the wet and cold with what you have in your pockets will give you and idea why "cotton kills" is a popular refrain here.

even without the rain, I'd have to question the wisdom of letting older folks with little to no experience running the Kongakut. Don't believe I'd be inclined to do so.

had the river stayed low or moderate, it might have all been good,

as it turned out, it wasn't

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.